Essex Electrician fitting or replacing your old fuse box

The Consumer Unit (Fuse box) really is the engine of your electrical installations at home. It protects all the different circuits from overloading the wiring and causing any major problems. All too often we come across domestic installations that have been poorly designed and installed with little if no maintenance at all.

If you have had a new bathroom, kitchen or any plug sockets installed then your old fuse box might not be able handle the extra circuits so the need to update your fuse box is a must. Essex Electricians can install a fuse box (consumer unit) or replace your old one in either your home, office, shop or in any other property you own ensuring that only one circuit is connected to a fuse, not 2 or more like we have seen in the past. If you think that your fuse box is like this, then please contact us as soon as possible as your property can be at risk of fire if this is not rectified.

Requirements for Electrical Installations (BS7671) recommends that domestic installations are inspected every 10 years to ensure full compliance with the regulations and that installations are safe to use / and fit for purpose.

Your consumer unit (fuse box) should be clearly marked and labelled and should also clearly display inspection stickers showing the last inspection and date of the next inspection. Any socket outlets which should reasonably be expected to supply portable equipment outdoors must also be protected by a 30mA RCD in order to prevent electric shocks to users. If you have an older type fuse box, this uses a piece of fuse wire between two blades that will need replacing every time you have a short circuit. A good reason for updating your fuse box.

Modern more up to date fuse boxes incorporate RCD's which trip when a circuit overloads, thus protecting the wiring from burning out and preventing you from getting any fatal electrical shocks.

Fuse boxes can be installed with a number of different options, dedicated fridge/freezer and intruder alarm circuits, shower and external garage circuits. We can supply any kind of circuits for your specific needs. If you would like us to take a look at your old fuse box and replace it with a more update version, then call Essex Electricians today.

We can advise you of the best options once we know your full requirements.